Peter S. Shija (ENT resident) 0713438577 shijapsn@yahoo.com; PO Box 2240, KCMC College, Moshi, Tanzania

Philbert Mtenga (ENT resident) 0766668738 philbertmtenga@yahoo.com

Bernard Minja (ENT resident) 0783295073 bernardminja@yahoo.com

Desderius Chusi (ENT resident) drchelly@hotmail.com

Ben Hamel (Director of Postgraduate Studies) 0785453279 hamelogier@gmail.com

Dr. Alois K. Msaki (ENT surgeon) aloycemsaki@yahoo.com

Prof. dr. Raimos M. Olomi (Director of Hospital Services) raimosolomi@yahoo.com

Dr. Nicolas Kitunga (ENT anesthesiologist) nkitunga@yahoo.com

Susana Kawedi (Head theatre nurse) skawedi@yahoo.com